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Wandering Traveler


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"I want to enjoy my life, I really do."

The only way for you to enjoy your life is to let go of the one who wants to enjoy the life.

The only reason you are not enjoying the life, is because you WANT to enjoy the life.
That desire comes from the belief "currently I am NOT enjoying life".

You want to enjoy life because currently you identify as one who does not enjoy life.

So the problem is not anything else but your own self.

Someone else could be completely content and fulfilled doing your work, without being bothered about the clock or anything, you could be completely full of love to every single moment in life, you would be completely self-realized and would be stabilized in eternal-peace and the love of god. This is what will liberate you, not any kind of small solution that is only temporary. You must find the eternal within yourself if you would like to actually appreciate "not-great moments". Actually all moments are great, but you can't appreciate the moments if you see them as "not-great" because they ARE great, they are great because they are GOD. Everything is god, any moment is god himself, and god is great.

If in any moment you don't feel the moment is great - it is because you are unconscious of god. You are not conscious of your true nature and stillness. That is all.

"And I can't sit at my job all day thinking"

Actually yes you can, but you identify as one who can't. You also identify as one who is thinking all day.

You must understand you are not the thinker of the thoughts, meaning, you are not thinking "7 hours left..." that is only a thought appearing in the vast silent consciousness that you are. You are that which is aware of these thoughts and the thinking happening, nobody is actually thinking, thoughts simply appear. "I am thinking the thoughts" is literally just another thought appearing in the vast silence. It is not true. Literally look in this present moment and see. There are only thoughts appearing, you are that unchanging consciousness in which they all appear and are perceived.

So to say "I can't sit at my job all day thinking" is just another thought, it is not true, you can't say that it is what you truly are. You simply give it the power of your belief; and reality manifests in such a way that it appears as if you truly are this shape. You are the shapeless which is aware of all shapes, you are not these thoughts nor the "thinker". There is no "thinker" in actuality and experiential reality.

"I've been trying to appreciate the good parts of my job as well, but not to much success."

You can't "try" to appreciate life, you either appreciate it, or you don't. If you don't appreciate it, accept it, meet this feeling of no-appreciation as it is, do not avoid it, do not try to force appreciation.

Let things be as they are. Only in the state of surrender can you truly appreciate life. Effortful appreciation is fake, it does not give any fulfillment, contentment, nor is it sweet. It is totally false and useless, just lying to oneself.

Be aware of what you truly are, and appreciation will naturally arise. Do not look to appreciate, simply be open to appreciating. Allow appreciation to appear, do not force it and seize it. Let life naturally unfold. Do not hold and grab onto any concept or idea of how you should be. Just be what you are in this present moment. Be aware of being aware.

"I've been trying to focus on the good moments, be conscious of the specific good parts of the job, and not state at the clock as much."

Again, you believe yourself to be "not focusing on the good moments, not conscious of the good parts of the job, staring at the clock a lot"

And because of this subconscious belief that you are not investigating, it is a false identity, it makes life appear other than it truly is. You are living an illusion in which you are all these things, and you are trying to find solutions to these imaginary, illusory problems which are actually just thoughts perceived in consciousness completely impersonally. Literally nothing is happening and life is magical but you believe yourself to be a shape that simply can't comprehend the truth and magic of life.

You believe yourself to be thought - you believe yourself to be an object in consciousness.

An object in consciousness can't appreciate consciousness, because it is not aware of consciousness, only consciousness can be aware of consciousness. So be the consciousness that you are, do not misidentify yourself as objects in consciousness (any thought, emotion, feeling, sensation, desire, urge, idea, concept, imagination, identity), and you will be able to naturally appreciate life, love, existence, your true eternal formless being.

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Sebastian Key

"Be aware of the experience of being aware. It is alive. It is you. It is what you truly are, that unchanging ever-present fact of yourself, you are not the coming and going things appearing in the consciousness, you are the consciousness itself. That is just a word but notice what I am pointing to in reality instead of seeing these words as concepts. Let these words become alive in the present moment."

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©Timelessly by Sebastian Key. Compassionately created for the glory of god. Enlightenment. Awakening. Spirituality.

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