All there is is dreaming. All that you can and will ever perceive will be dreamed.
The dreamer can not be perceived, that infinite consciousness that has the capability to dream dreams and perceive them, create literal UNIVERSES in its mind, it is literally the source of creation, that is what you are. Because you ARE that which is dreaming dreams. And you know this.
Because every night you go dream and you are perceiving a dream but you know you are not anything that is perceived, even the body and the mind that you possess are not the ones from the waking state. And still they are not yours, you can even die in a dream and simply the picture changes, That is because whatever is appearing in the dream is not affecting that which you truly are which is that which is dreaming the dream
When this "insert your name" if that is the name given to your body dies then the picture will simply change it is only another dream, There will simply be another dream, What you truly are can't die because it is dreaming of life and death, Death in the first place is only an illusion, There is only this infinite ever-present consciousness that is eternal and it is dreaming it is finite forms that can die
Self-realization is waking up and realizing that what we truly are is that infinite consciousness and that this body and mind is only another temporary thing that appears in the dream and it is in no way ourselves neither are we the controller or doer of it; for it is all only a dream appearing in the infinite consciousness that you are
Once you believe you are the body and mind then you also believe you need to control the dream, you believe you have this capability, to change the dream and to do things "your way" and to take care of the future of the dream and to care about the past of the dream; none of that matters; all of these thoughts are appearing in the dream themselves; for the dreamer these things are only a dream it does not take them seriously for he sees these are only temporary clouds appearing in the temporary dream, none of it is real for the dreamer
Absolutely everything that can be perceived would be only a dream it simply can't be real. The only thing that is real is the nothing; infinite formless consciousness that is dreaming the dream
Itself is not any form for it is that formless that is dreaming finite forms, in the activity of infinite consciousness dreaming dreams, in this particular dream you have engaged and been conditioned by the world so harshly that you forgot or were distracted from the fact this is merely but another dream and none of it is real; to believe it is "real" more than any other random dream you have while you sleep is simply ignorance. The only reason it appears "real" is because you believe in the thought that says "it is real" and the thought that says "I am this body and mind" if you lose identification with all concepts, ideas, who you think you are; absolutely everything; it will be clear to you that this is merely but an empty dream and you are now simply lucid in it
That means to wake up; to simply be lucid in the dream; to understand this is merely a dream and there is nothing to do for all dreams are naturally effortlessly unfolding by that highest intelligence; infinite consciousness that is dreaming it. All the details are already filled in there is nothing to worry about for that infinite consciousness is dreaming this dream and it sustains it ever-presently, to not trust that infinite consciousness which is dreaming you simply does not make sense, you would not exist without infinite consciousness how are you going to not trust it? I mean actually you do not even exist; the personal identity you that apparently exists is merely but a dream; it is some idea appearing in the dream; for the dreamer it is not real but is perceived to be only a temporary appearance that is dreamed by that infinite consciousness. Be aware of being aware and rest in your own silence, get to know yourself to be that infinite consciousness instead of indulging in the world constantly all the while getting more entangled in identifications instead of coming closer to god by losing identification with the world. When you are dreaming you are not personal; you can do the most bizarre shit and you will still not be flustered or care about it; you will not be overthinking in the dream neither will you be thinking about the past in the dream; actually you won't be thinking. In dreams you are only being; being the observer and everything is naturally, effortlessly unfolding; even situations you would never know how to proceed in life based on the personal identity you believe you are. Whatever dream you are dreaming is the capability of your own infinite consciousness, so any situation you have EVER BEEN IN, in any given dream; is something you are able to do in "real life" which is LITERALLY JUST ANOTHER DREAM. There is absolutely no difference between the dreams. The only reason it appears different is because you believe it is different. When it is seen with clarity that there is absolutely no difference between this dream and the dreaming happening in the night when "you" fall asleep; it is all dreamed by that same infinite consciousness; that you are; you are free. When you know you are the dreamer of the dream; you are not personal, that is because in the recognition of what you truly are there is nothing personal; the infinite consciousness that you are in truth is not personal. The only personal things ever happening are just part of the dream happening in what for now I'll call the "waking dream"; none of it is real; it is all part of the dream but it must be recognized. It must be recognized that what you truly are is NOT personal, it is simply infinite consciousness. It is not an age, a gender, or whatever is appearing in the world or can appear in the world of forms. You are formless. Infinite. Undefinable. You are that which is dreaming definitions, forms, finite etc.; that which is dreaming all of it is unlimited and that is what you truly are. The personal identity/the mind can't know the dreamer of dreams; because it is not it. The personal identity can only think and have ideas about the dreamer of dreams but only the dreamer of dreams know what I am even talking about for the mind none of this makes any sense at all and it never will because the mind is part of the dream. That which appears in the dream can't recognize and acknowledge that which is dreaming the dream; that is self-realization. You realize and recognize your true self while dreaming; lucid dreaming. You rest in that recognition and know yourself to be the eternal, infinite one that is dreaming all of this; you do not identify with anything of the world anymore simply because you see clearly none of it is real; all of it is dreamed. ALL OF IT. - Sebastian Key
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