What about procrastination?
Procrastination is just a thought perceived in consciousness. You are doing what you are meant to be doing in this present moment so you would awaken to the highest truth of yourself in the most efficient effective and wonderful way.
Procrastination is a way of the ego to make you feel bad for existing the way god (the universe) wants you to exist.
What about mental fog?
Mental fog is just a thought perceived in consciousness. What is mental fog really? It is just when we are identified with the thought that says "I am experiencing mental fog" or something like that, it is not true, it is just a thought believed in. No mental fog ever appeared nor was it captured nor can anyone prove it really exists. It is only a thought/emotion/sensation perceived in consciousness that is believed in.
I feel like I'm trapped, blocked somehow.
That is just a feeling perceived in consciousness. It doesn't mean anything. How can the infinite be trapped? You can't trap the infinite. It is the infinite. Nothing can block the infinite.
It is only because you believe in the feeling "I feel like I am trapped, blocked somehow" that you perceive reality in this way. If you were to put it aside completely, and simply be present, be aware of being aware, you would be clear of it. But we are not doing this, we let it persist by not facing what it truly is. We are completely identified with it and have no space to perceive it as it truly is.
like I'm used to not do what I'm supposed to do;
Everything is exactly how it should be. Don't focus on external things, find the eternal internally and everything will fall into place. These thoughts perceived in consciousness are nothing at all.
I know I'm wasting my time but I can't really control myself. How to overcome this?
You see, this is just a thought perceived in consciousness, it is not true, there is space to perceive it, otherwise you couldn't say "I am wasting my time", first you are aware of this thought, and only then you speak it. So be aware of being aware, there is nothing to "overcome" because it is an illusion in the first place. There is nothing to control and you don't even exist truthfully. There is only awareness and it is not personal and it is not from this world. It is holy. Simply bask in it, appreciate it and honor it, you have found the eternal you don't need to seek for anything temporary in the external no more.
It's wondering all over the place, also both in the past and imagining the future.
Yes, and the wondering all over the place is also perceived, is that which is perceiving itself wondering all over the place? Simply shift your attention towards that which is aware of it, instead of what it is aware of.
I feel like it's tripping me, blocking me.
Again, this is only a feeling perceived in consciousness that is believed in. It is ONLY A FEELING, it can't block what you are. What you are is perceiving the feeling. What you are is perceiving the block. The answer is not in what is behind the block, but what is perceiving the block itself. The block can't block the perceiving because the perceiving is perceiving the block. Perceiving can't be blocked.
And I feel both helpless and ready to shake it off. And numb.
Just feelings perceived in consciousness.
This "I" that feels all these things is not true at all and it is not what you truly are. You are that in which it all appears, even interpretation is perceived, there is an awareness of some feeling but it isn't necessarily "helpless", that is only an interpretation of the mind to suit its projections and to make you unconscious. Do not be so quick to believe all these identifications.
You are the vessel itself, not the content appearing in it. Be aware of the experience of being aware in this present moment.