How the egoic-mind uses you to its own advantage, and how it lies and deceives you by believing in "Self-Love"
"Something I’ve come to realize recently is that I only seem to love the “nice” qualities about myself and while it’s important to be able to appreciate that part of yourself, that’s not a complete version of self love. You will never be able to feel totally free within yourself if you don’t love the worst parts of you."
That is false. You are currently loving the good parts of you (The ego loving its own appearing to be "good" qualities) and now the ego has come to the realization it must love its own appearing to be "bad" qualities too.
These "bad" and "good" qualities are not you at all, you simply identify them as you. You are the one aware of them.
If you can perceive your self to be these "good" and "bad" qualities, how can any of it be true and the quintessential nature of who you are? The perceiver can't be the things it perceives. The perceiver is the perceiver. It is not "good" or "bad" as everything is perceived by the perceiver. It is only the intellect interpreting reality to be "bad" or "good" based on your own thoughts and beliefs you were conditioned to believe are true. None of it is true.
You, the true you, has no worst parts. You do not have any good parts either. All these "parts" are just a projection of the mind, they have nothing to do with you, you are the neutral awareness aware of all of this, you are not merely a limited identity made up by your mind, and you are not merely a self-image nor are you merely qualities of what is appearing to be "good" or "bad". You are the neutral observer of all of this. You can't be what you observe.
"Learn to use your shadow to your advantage and only indulge it in a responsible way."
Obviously something the egoic-mind would say. He is claiming that you should use "your" shadow for "your" advantage, using "judgement, greed, selfishness, hate, desire, attachments" for your own advantage.
That is the epitome of selfishness. How can you use these obviously negative attributes to your own advantage (meaning more selfishness)? How can you indulge it in a responsible way?There is no way to responsibly "indulge" in judgement, greed, selfishness, hate, desire, attachments. It is impossible. Responsibility is being aware that all of this is not you, and not daring to indulge in these lies.
"There is no state of being that is “forbidden” or “wrong”, it’s all divine. It’s up to you on how you use it. Embrace every part of you."
That is exactly what the egoic-mind wants you to think and believe. It wants you to think and believe that it is ok to be selfish, it is ok to be judgemental, it is ok to be greedy, it is ok to hate, as long as it used for "your" (personal) own advantage.
It is only the egoic-mind programming who you think you are to fit its projections. It is disguising itself as you, and you let it do whatever it wants. It is not true! Do not accept any thought, emotion, sensation, idea, concept, desire, intention to be yourself. Anything that is perceived; is not yourself, for you are the perceiver of it.
Notice in this present moment you are aware. Rest your attention on this awareness in the present moment.
By resting the attention on the ever-present awareness itself which is your deeper, true nature which is unchanging, it is rapidly dissolving all delusions and illusions of personal identity etc, all you must "do" is stay aware of the silence of being and marinate the attention in it, at some point the attention is naturally stabilized in the awareness. Until then, consciously shift the attention towards the awareness and stay with the awareness. What you are is already the awareness but the habit of the mind makes it so we need to exercise these spiritual muscles so the attention can bear the awareness without being distracted by the projections of the personal identity.
- Sebastian Key @iameternallife#iameternallife#silence#powerofnow#eckharttolle#presentmoment#transformation#deepthoughts#mindfulpractice#gratitude#eckharttollequotes#stillness#presentmomentreminder#mindfulness#nature#consciousness#mindset#presence#reflection#nonduality#awareness#god#peace#enlightenment#presentmoment#present#presence#explore#explorepage#mooji#rupertspira#adyashanti#buddha