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How to cope with being one with rapists, killers and terrorists?

Writer's picture: Sebastian Key / iameternallifeSebastian Key / iameternallife
For people who also recognise we are One, can you help with insights on how do you cope with being one with rapists, as in the One who is creating them? Or killers, but I'd be more interested in settling with rapists in my mind, for my peace and feeling of unity

You don't need to cope with being one with rapists, killers or whatever. The egoic-mind that you are trying to settle won't ever be settled no matter what, you don't "settle the mind" and then peace follows, you settle in peace by being aware of being aware and not identifying with any thought, emotion, sensation, perception and experience and without attention and importance given to the silly mind that will always try and find things to complain about "but how am I one with rapists or killers??"; the mind can't continue. The egoic-mind that is the conditioned program conditioned upon you by society so you will not experience and be the infinite nature that you are that is dreaming this dream and is the source of all creationis designed in such a way that it will do everything it is capable of to distract you from unity so you will continue believing the mind and perpetuating it and its stupid stories, the mind can only be logical, that is its biggest flaw, its biggest limitation, but reality, the truth is beyond the limited logic the conditioned monkey mind that is conditioned upon you by society is able to grasp, and it must remain that way in order for you, the conscious awareness that is aware of the mind to trust in your self and let go of the logical mind instead of following its stupid stories that will continue perpetuating duality forever.

So you are being deluded by the egoic-mind to believe "I need to settle this first, peace will follow"; but the truth is that you must settle in peace first, and then the egoic-mind will dissolve by itself; you must not give any attention, importance and most importantly belief in the egoic-mind and its stories that perpetuate separation, that is the absolutely only way to be in peace and unity; that is the mechanism of the mind that you must transcend; otherwise you will keep suffering these thoughts forever; there is literally no other way. The only way to be liberated from the conditioned monkey mind that you are currently appearing to be dealing with is to stop identifying with it, stop believing it, and instead be aware of being aware without identifying with any thought, emotion, sensation, perception and experience as if you are not aware of your true infinite nature as the source of all creation, it will be rampant and will never show you peace, the maximum you will experience is mere glimpses of the infinite, instead of being the infinite timelessly, as you truly are. The egoic-mind that is the conditioned monkey mind is not on your side until you discover your true infinite nature as the source of all creation, and it should be that way so you will be able to discern between what is true and what is a waste of time, what is true is silence, peace, joy, love, compassion, wisdom, contentment, fulfillment, beauty; what is not true is any thought, emotion, sensation, perception or experience. When I am referring to peace, joy, love, compassion, wisdom etc; these are not qualities, but are the nature of your own infinite self itself, these are not feelings but the nature in which your true infinite self operates, it is the perfume of the infinite self, it accompanies the infinite self wherever it goes, leaving a trace of beauty and grace behind every single action appearing to be taken in the dream when it is operated by the infinite intelligence that is the source of all creation.

Like, understanding what causes their behaviour is somewhat helpful, why they feel the need to present such horrific actions towards others, it is their coping mechanism ultimately to lack of love, light, that I know

No, it is absolutely useless, and the egoic-mind wants you to believe you need to "Investigate" and "understand why they are doing it"; again; the egoic monkey mind can only use logic; and it leads you into believing its limited logic because it is "logical"; and so you are left with answers but no peace, love, joy, compassion, wisdom, contentment or fulfillment; because all you are doing is perpetuating useless, trivial, transient thoughts and logic that the egoic-mind on purpose brings forth in your experience so you will be deluded by it and believe it and eventually get nowhere, but more confused and frustrated, because now you "Know" and yet you are "unfulfilled"; so it is a dead end. The egoic monkey mind must be left behind, otherwise you will waste your entire life on these dead ends that the egoic monkey mind will keep presenting forever; that is the only thing it is able to do; you either follow that and waste your life or you transcend it by realizing you already are one as the source of all creation by simply not identifying with any thought, emotion, sensation, perception or experience and instead being aware of the awareness in which all of these appear including the body. The truth is that they have no true free will of their own, they are also just conditioned programs, and they do whatever the conditioned program in them is telling them to do, for they are unconscious. What happens when you are unconscious is that actions take place compulsively based on the conditioned thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences appearing to that individual consciousness, it happens for example in the way "I am unloveable, I am not worthy, and I won't ever be treated well"; these thoughts are believed in because you actually believe you are the mind generating them, so what happens is that you believe you are all of these thoughts, because you believe you are the mind that is thinking them, so you act upon these thoughts, so you already believe you are unworthy, unloveable, the next logical thing to do is to just go and rape and kill people, because you are already unworthy of anything good; so why not just go ahead and think "Well, I am unworthy, and this world made me that way, I hate existence! I will rape all kids and will go and kill people on the street"; so it is not even their fault really; it is just the way the society currently is playing out in the dream of the infinite source of all creation. So in the end all of this is a play, and nothing really is being harmed for it is all a dream specifically manifested by the infinite intelligence that is the source of all creation, but you can either suffer the dream or realize you are that which is dreaming it and be free from the dream and just watch it unfold, as you are awake as the source of all creation and consequentially the dream, you are able to bring forth into the dream the formless qualities and the perfume of the infinite intelligence that you are that is as aforementioned; peace, love, joy, compassion, wisdom, contentment and fulfillment; that automatically transforms the dream and reduces the chances of beings becoming killers, rapists, terrorists etc; but it must begin with you; no one else; because if you are not awake as the source of all creation; you are being the exact same conditioned monkey mind that is controlling all of these rapists; and your fate ultimately is to your self become a killer, rapist, terrorist etc. It is just something that disturbs me to my very core, which attracts my focus on the subject, but I would want to have clarity and see no separation, not feed the discord, but free myself from focusing on this subject trough acceptance and safety inspite of their existance, fear is also driving me in this subject. It actually does not disturb your true infinite self, it only disturbs the conditioned monkey mind that itself is the source of all of this suffering. The egoic-mind wants you to be disturbed, because only by you believing "I am disturbed", "This is disturbing me" that you are perpetuating the false personal identity that is formed out of these identifications, the egoic-mind literally wants you to believe you are disturbed, because when you say "I am disturbed"; you are not being aware of you true infinite self that is pure love, joy, compassion, wisdom, contentment, peace and fulfillment; and when you are not aware of your self; the conditioned monkey mind lives on on your unconsciousness, lack of awareness of yourself as the source of all creation that is unable to be disturbed, suffer, lack, die, etc. The egoic-mind wants you to believe you want clarity, so you will fix this apparent problem, but the truth is that even when this problem is resolved, the egoic-mind will simply bring forth more things to be confused about, the egoic-mind wants clarity and clarity but it is not willing to dissolve itself in order for the infinite clarity of the source of all creation to be revealed; that is the play; so it must be transcended illogically; by letting go of it by simply not identifying with any thought, emotion, sensation, perception or experience; everything else will simply perpetuate the egoic-mind and you will never arrive at true, ever-lasting peace, and most importantly your own infinite self and intelligence that is the only way to fix all the conditioning of society and all apparent problems that appear because of the conditioning of society to be a certain way and to make you believe you are the body and mind consequentially believing all thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences appearing as the mind and therefore identifying with them, apparently veiling your true infinite source of all creation self that is that which is even beyond the awareness in which the body and mind appear; the infinite formless nothingness has manifested an awareness in order to experience, and from there it manifested temporarily a dream in which the body-mind appears, but instead of staying unidentified as the source of all creation that is formless, we are conditioned to believe we are the body-mind that is light years away from our true nature. (Although at the same time, it is right here, behind and in-midst of the illusion and delusion that you are merely the body-mind. Identification with the body and mind (thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experience) is the root of all doubt, fear, anxiety, suffering, misery, delusion, illusions. Resting aware of the awareness with no identification with the body and mind (thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences) is the only cure to all effects such as lack, doubt, fear, anxiety, suffering, misery, delusions and illusions. Please donate any amount to support the sharing of wisdom, love, peace, joy, compassion, self-realization/enlightenment/liberation; this is pretty much my only income;

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- Sebastian Key


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1 Comment

Patrice Berube
Patrice Berube
Apr 07, 2022

amazing wisdom but you were still identified as something at the moment of writing that post. "staying unidentified as the source of all creation' this sentence is a contradiction. "staying unidenified" and "as the source of all creation" you can't be unidentified if you identify as the source of all creation. and that fundamental identification colors your entire experience, and that is why you treat your own life like a dream that doesn't really exist.

the key is to remain unidentified with ANYTHING, including god/the source of all creation,

you are not the source of all creation, you are not god, you are NOT period. after awakening, If your mind believes that the awaken being is simply an awaken human biological mind, then you'll likely…

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©Timelessly by Sebastian Key. Compassionately created for the glory of god. Enlightenment. Awakening. Spirituality.

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