When you let go of "control", you let go of the personal identity. You have no need to do anything, everything happens completely spontaneously, its like you are just one with the universe, completely in-sync and flowing with its rhythm. What actually happens, is that you drop identification with personal identity and with the attachments of the personal identity and what stays, is the impersonal joyful presence that you are. Personal identity can't be without the awareness to perceive it. Awareness is here before personal identity, now, when we, that which is aware of awareness, observe the awareness that we are (it is perceivable but not as a thing outside of you), what happens naturally is we find ourselves in a place of perceiving which is naturally extremely lucid, clear, peaceful, joyful, loving, compassionate, serene, it is completely impersonal. The way to experience freedom is literally to observe that which is aware in the present moment, because your true self is already free. The problem is most people are caught up with personal identity, identify themselves personally. You are able to consciously let go of personal identity which is absolutely beautiful, you are able to experience your true self as the true self, and how wonderful you are, absolutely blissful. That is truly yourself, you simply did not know you can experience life as the infinite impersonal self rather than a limited personal identity. You were conditioned to believe you are not worthy, it is not possible for you etc, it is all bullshit. God is alive and you are that. You are the consciousness in which all experience is appearing and is perceived. What you are is not bound by personal identity, thought, feelings, sensations. They all appear within the consciousness that you are. You must remain aware of the awareness that is ever-present in this moment. That is your true place as the infinite source. You are complete and whole and are ever-presently the source of the universe itself. There is nothing that can touch what you are, you are naturally wise, you have the presence of consciousness as the one living and taking care of this dynamic life. This is gods play, you are both the player and the witness of the play. Once we simply stop identifying as the egoic-mind, all of this is crystal-clear. There is no doubt, because doubt appears in that which you are. You are free and completely pure, timeless, infinite and holy. That is your true nature. Notice that you are aware in this moment and rest the attention on this awareness. It is dissolving all personal identity automatically without effort. Stick with it, nothing else matters LITERALLY. First discover yourself, then life can unfold harmoniously and gracefully. - Sebastian Key
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