The unkind, uncompassionate voice that is your egoic-mind is deluding you to believe you are not the infinite power and source of creation
You are getting frustrated because your mind made you believe and think that for you to experience the truth you must completely silence the thoughts. The truth is, that the truth is always present. You do not need to silence any thoughts, you only must be aware of that which is aware of the present moment.
You are hung up on the idea that "the chatter must stop, otherwise it is not working!" The fact that the chatter changed shapes, means that something IS working. As you marinate the attention in what you truly are, by being aware of that which is aware of the present moment, there will appear to be an egoic-backlash that is trying to make you feel personal and to see life personally as if you are only this body and mind instead of the awareness in which both appear.
They will tell you "you are not making any progress, see how you are frustrated? you are worthless" But do you really want to listen to such an unkind, uncompassionate voice? what even is that and why the hell should you believe or trust it in the singlest bit? you are unconditional love, so ask your self, who are these thoughts talking to? they cant possibly be talking to you... they are talking to themselves. They simply exist. They are talking to who you think you are; but if you do not identify as that; then they can't affect you.
If you are not believing yourself to be something you are not and not feeding delusions attention, they come and go naturally and effortlessly but you are not identified as them and so you don't mind them being present. And if you do not mind them; they will automatically dissolve and they will have no power over you. After a while of this, delusions rarely appear and they are immediately seen to be a thought and the attention is automatically shifted towards that which is aware of the present moment by the presence of god that is at some point naturally embodied.
You are the infinite sky in which clouds come and go. Clouds are all thoughts, emotions, sensations and effects appearing in consciousness. Keep sharpening your discernment. Discern between that which is true and timeless and is awareness, and what are just clouds (thoughts, emotions and sensations) that are actually from your egoic-mind trying to sabotage your self realization by confusing who you think you are.
You say "I cant seem to lose the intuition that the chatter in my head is wrong" This thought even disguised it self as intuition, in order to make you believe that this must be true. Start questioning everything you believe and think is true, because anything you believe or think, is fundamentally untrue. The only thing that is true is what you KNOW and what you are absolutely certain of, without having to believe anything or think anything. Like for example, the fact that something is aware of this present moment. Be aware of that which is aware of this present moment for it is the unchanging universal truth within each and every living being.
You do not need to believe that awareness is aware of the present moment, you do not need to think you that this awareness is, you KNOW. Thoughts, emotions and sensations are all appearing in the awareness and perceived by the awareness. The awareness automatically is perceiving in real time all thoughts, emotions and sensations, there is no need for you to engage with these things for you are automatically doing all that is needed to be done; perceive them. They are already perceived. You must be conscious of the fact that there is an ever-present awareness which is perceiving them. You don't need to separately operate from the awareness. If the awareness is perceiving a thought, emotion or sensation and it truly needs to be addressed; it will effortlessly happen. You don't need to act on your thoughts accord. Trust.
Personal identity that is the source of all personal thoughts, emotions and sensations is to be transcended, and it is not transcended by giving them attention, importance and significance. They are transcended by being aware of that which is aware of the present moment. There is an ever-present awareness that is here and it is alive, that is you. Any voice that is unkind, blaming, full of fear, insecure is unstable, and therefore it is the egoic-mind and play of the personal identity, not you. Whenever fear, frustration, judgement come, observe them with detachment. Be aware of your self, know that you are not these things, but the one aware of the awareness of them. Be aware of that which is aware of them.
- Sebastian Key
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