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This practice will destroy all delusions, lies, falsehood, personhood so only god/awareness is left

Writer's picture: Sebastian Key / iameternallifeSebastian Key / iameternallife

This practice will destroy all delusions, lies, falsehood, personhood so only god/awareness is present

When ego is playing its games and it appears that it is overpowering you, notice it is only overpowering who you think you are, not the consciousness in which it all appears.

There is still some belief in ego lingering around deep inside, and at some point, it just comes out no matter what, and this is good. You really want to get all of the false outside of your being and presence.

Let me assure you that it is completely natural and these are birthing pains, you are truly birthing the infinite in a way therefore you are aware of experiencing this pain and seemingly burping out all the things stored up inside your being that are not original to your nature. All that is not true is dissolving and it appears like backlash in the mind, and you are perceiving a surge of thoughts, emotions and sensations, but there is an awareness of all of this. Stay in the place in which you are aware of that which is aware of this taking place.

So you had a few days of amazing clarity and now it seems like you are completely lost, no idea where you are and you have completely lost your self. What do we do?

These are just thoughts. The only clarity there is, is when the attention is resting on the awareness which is aware of the present moment. A thought says "I am lost, no idea where I am, lost my self" etc. Your self is always right here. It is that which is aware of all these thoughts taking place. The clarity is simply seeing that you are one with that in which it all appears.

Observe. Anything that comes up, observe. These days you might be feeling like you are extremely aware of the ego and you have a voice there that says "Wow fuck you ego, this is all because of you, because of you I am suffering right now, go to hell, I will kill you!". You might not be aware but this one is actually ego too. If you are to transcend this illusion of suffering, you should be observing with detachment this voice that is appearing to be 2. You should be completely silent and cocooned in your being, simply watching this play going on instead of talking back to the ego and saying how he is to blame, that is his strategy actually. To lure you back into fighting with him, and therefore into identification with him; inevitably suffering appears also.

No matter what kind of thoughts, emotions or sensations are appearing inside consciousness, do not fight back. Simply observe. Once you observe them with detachment (by being aware of that which is aware of the present moment) they naturally dissolve and go like the cloud they are. If you fight back or give importance to thoughts, emotions and sensations then that is perpetuating them and will cause them to stay longer than they originally should, momentary. Instead, simply be aware of that which is aware of the present moment. This is your true nature.

Identify the ego. You might be feeling extremely insecure, anxious, confused and suffering these days, and the most effective thing you can do is ask your self at these times: "Who is insecure/anxious/confused/suffering" once you actually ask this question, and LOOK in the present moment instead of giving an automatic answer out of habit "me", you will SEE that actually there is nothing happening at all. Once you see that this sufferer, this insecure identity, this anxious identity does not actually exist and is not a real thing in the present moment, it completely loses its power. You already KNOW that spirit can't suffer. The only thing that can suffer is the projections of the identity you are believing yourself to be. Instead, know yourself to be the spirit by being aware of that which is aware of the present moment.

So, if you are feeling insecure, and you KNOW that consciousness/awareness/Brahman/self CAN'T feel insecure, you can simply ask the question "who is feeling insecure?" and suddenly you will see that you are completely detaching your self from this insecurity, and you are able to see clearly that it is not you. Once you see it is not you, it means that you stop identifying with it. If you do not identify with insecurity, you are not insecure, nor are you suffering.The same thing you do for every other emotion or thought that comes up. Now, do not get cocky and use this for only the negative emotions. You might get through the negative emotions/thoughts stage and the ego will now try another strategy, a strategy of trying to make you feel good. He might start using pride and other "positive" egoic traits.

So once pride comes up, do not feed it! Then and there, once you notice this happening ask "Who is the one prideful?" and LOOK. If you simply ignore this pride because it makes you feel good, it is the egos play to make you attached to this pride and then he will be able to comeback with its other techniques of insecurity, anxiety, etc. The only way to completely transcend the ego is not to feed none of its negative thoughts/emotions and none of its positive thoughts/emotions. You are to stay completely neutral, observing it all, aware of it all. You are not here to play games and to have some kind of positive ego or to feel good about your self. You are here to overcome this vicious cycle of illusions and suffering completely, and if you slip on one of the stages it will take you back a few steps, so do not bother.

The ego WILL definitely make thoughts doubt your self. Whenever these appear, notice simply it is the ego trying to bring doubt in you; do not perpetuate it, redirect the attention towards that which is aware of the present moment. Be aware of that which is aware of the present moment. Here all doubt, fear and falsehoods are rapidly dissolving so that only pure awareness is left. This awareness which is your true nature has the perfume of joy, love, peace and compassion naturally, it is fearless and effortless, this is your true life, everything else is just the mind-realm, that you must transcend as soon as possible. Be aware of that which is aware of the present moment. Don't waste your time on thoughts.

- Sebastian Key


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