You are consciousness, you are not a person, you are not a thought, an idea nor a belief. You are that which knows all of these temporary thoughts that appear in the unchanging stillness which is what you, awareness, are.
You are not a personality. There is an awareness of the personality you believe yourself to be. That means this awareness is the deeper you. Instead of being aware of the personality which is what we are conditioned to believe we are, be aware of that awareness which is aware of the personality. Always be aware of the awareness for that is what you truly are. Just like your rest your attention in thoughts etc, just shift the attention towards that which is aware of them. The awareness is here, just notice it. You are the awareness in fact, it is only the attention that is not synchronized and therefore it appears as if you are unaware of being the awareness.
You have realized that what you are is not suffering, can't die, has no limits, does not come and go, it is unchanging and ever-present, timeless and infinite. You are not any thought, emotion, sensation, personal identity or effect appearing in consciousness. All these are clouds coming and going in that unchanging stillness which you are. Without the stillness the clouds could not be. The stillness is the fundamental zero that must be in order for anything to exist in harmony. The stillness that you are IS harmony itself. And beyond.
What you have yet to realize is that you are always this awareness. You can't not be the awareness. The one who is coming into awareness and then going out and then says "I lost it" is only a thought appearing in the awareness. What actually happens is that the attention was lured into the mind-realm by the egoic-mind and you were not able to discern that it is only a thought luring you into unconsciousness, after following this thought into unconsciousness you then entangle yourself coming to the conclusion that "I lost it", the one claiming he lost it is only a thought appearing in it.
Whenever you believe that you lost it, realize that you are simply identifying as a thought appearing in it. You are it. You can't lose it. That which is aware of the thought "I lost it" is it. And you are it. You are always here, you just identify and speak as if you are that thought because you believe yourself to be that thought. Instead simply understand that you are not any thought nor can you be confused/doubtful/fearful/anxious etc these are all temporary clouds appearing in that unchanging stillness which you are. Instead of putting the attention on the clouds, rest the attention eternally on the ever-present stillness that you are.
- Sebastian Key
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