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You ARE freedom, that which is afraid is the person you think you are. You are not afraid.

Writer's picture: Sebastian Key / iameternallifeSebastian Key / iameternallife

You ARE freedom, that which is afraid is the person you think you are. You are not afraid.

The person you think you are is merely an idea. It is not REAL at all. It is merely a thought appearing in the infinite consciousness that is what you truly are. Whatever this person you think you are thinks, believes, feels, and perceives is completely personal, egoic and has nothing to do with reality. It only appears to be real and factual because that is what you believe. You believe the person to be real and factual, it is only a thought appearing in consciousness. You believe yourself to be the person because you are distracted by the egoic-mind from what you truly are.

The only one for whom this appears scary is also just another thought. It is not what you are. It appears scary for the thought because the egoic-mind understands it is all an illusion, a dream, a thought believed in, and the personal identity has nothing to do with what you truly are in essence. The egoic-mind does not want you to discover this so you can perpetuate thought and personal identity for only in this way it continues existing, by your belief and the indulgence of your attention in ignorance.

Eventually all beings must face what their true nature is. The truth is to at some point wake up from personhood to recognize what it truly is, it is to lose all interest and importance that was put on the mind, thoughts, emotions, sensations and any other effect appearing in consciousness, and you are left simply as the awareness aware of itself. The person is too limited for the truth and that is why we are suffering, once we stop the identification with the limited identity, we become aware of our true infinite nature that is awareness.

It is the natural spiritual evolution of all beings to come to self-realization, it is not something unreachable as thought wants you to believe. It is ever-present, you already are that being you only need to recognize yourself. That is why you are now stumbling upon this information, the time for you to awake from the illusory dream of personal identity is now and this is the alarm clock ringing.

There is nothing stopping you from discovering what you truly are. The only thing appearing to be in the way are merely thoughts, emotions, sensations and effects in consciousness. They can't stop you, you can only believe they are stopping you. Even the one believing in that delusion would only be a thought. You are that which is aware of all of this dream of thoughts, personal identity, limitations, none of it is original to you.

The person is not able to let go of itself and it will even try to let go but will appear to be unable to. That is because the person itself is only a thought appearing in consciousness, if you identify as a person who needs to let go, then that is only another identification you need to let go of. To let go simply means to put everything aside, all identification and importance given to thoughts, emotions, sensations, imagination, desires, intentions, memories, who you think you are, personal identity, past, future.

Once you put everything aside, you don't give it any importance anymore, you are left empty of objects so that only the subject is left. That is what you truly are. When you are aware of the subject, that means automatically you are in the state of surrender, so there is nothing else to do. Just stay empty and aware of yourself as the awareness.

The person (actually just a bunch of thoughts) you believe yourself to be are really just a bunch of thoughts. The idea you have of who you are is ever-changing, 2 days ago it was a specific idea, now it is another idea, and tomorrow it'll be another different idea. It is a cloud that is ever-changing. You are not the cloud, for you are that which is aware of the cloud. The person is ever-changing, but there must be an ever-present witness to witness the changefulness of the person. You are that unchanging witness that is beyond all thoughts and beliefs, you are aware of all phenomena appearing in consciousness no matter how subtle. Nothing can be without you being aware of it coming into existence before it appeared. You are the fundamental essence before which nothing can exist.

When you know yourself to be the unchanging awareness instead of indulging the attention in identification with temporary clouds, personal identity, thoughts, emotions, sensations and any other cloud will be very superficial and insignificant for you. You will be free from identification with limitations which is freedom. The only limitation there is; not being aware of what you truly are - pure awareness. Your true self is without limitations, so if you simply are aware of the awareness; you are embodying the infinite true nature of existence for the moment that you are aware. Don't believe the thought that says "I know I am the infinite nature" because that would be identifying as a thought which is limited. The true nature is not a thought. It is that in which they all appear and that which is aware of them. The awareness.

- Sebastian Key

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