YOU ARE THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE UNIVERSE, STOP PLAYING YOURSELF SMALL, YOU ARE LITERALLY THIS INFINITE AND FREE, IMPERSONAL UNIVERSE. TO NOT SEE THIS IS SIMPLYA DELUSION APPEARING IN THAT WHICH IS INFINITE, FREE AND IMPERSONAL. That which appears to go on a journey is just another thought perceived by that infinite intelligence that will inevitably perceive it. You are that perceiving intelligence. Right now. In this moment. You are the soul. There is nothing intelligent in this universe other than that which is true and present and it is the only intelligence there will ever be - the intelligence of the universe. Nothing can escape it. There is no way you are an entity separate from it. That is pure delusion. That which believes it is separate, is merely another thought appearing in it. The thoughts are here to take you on a seeming journey, but the truth is ever-present and it is what you truly are, what you are is already beyond any journey and has no "lessons to learn" etc these are all egoic-mind created concepts, god has no lessons to learn and this is his playground but we must wake up from our perspective of seeing this world personally and therefore creating unnecessary suffering. - Sebastian Key
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