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Writer's pictureSebastian Key / iameternallife

You are the true infinite, unbound, eternal true nature of existence

You are the true infinite, unbound, eternal true nature of existence, but you believe in a thought that says otherwise, therefore it appears in your reality as if you are not ever-presently the true nature of existence.

For 2 minutes put aside all thoughts, emotions, sensations, who you think you are, past, future, memories, imagination, desires, intentions. Put it aside. But really put aside. Give it absolutely no importance for 2 minutes. Be totally present now. Now that you put everything aside, you are not trying to do anything, not thinking, nothing, completely present and empty. This stillness that you are now aware of, can it be suffering? can it die? does it have any limits or boundaries? does it come and go? Confirm in direct experience for your self. Don't let this be a belief. See now this is the truth.

That which appears to be able to die, to be suffering, to have limits, to come and go is the personal identity you believe yourself to be. The personal identity is just a bunch of thoughts that you believe are a representation of what you are in essence. When identify ourselves to be the personal identity which is only a cloud, it is unreliable and inconsistent for it is ever-changeful, we suffer. Suffering comes only from identification with the egoic-mind what makes for personal identity that is the thinker of thoughts.

You are not the personal identity for it is only a thought, when you know this you are free. Instead of indulging the attention in the personal identity which is the habit and conditioning of society, be aware of being aware. That stillness that is here when we put everything aside is what you truly are. When you are aware of stillness it is rapidly dissolving all delusions of personal identity etc. By being aware of being aware you are essentially liberating yourself from all falsehoods and are discovering your true infinite nature again.

Without identification with the personal identity there can't be any suffering. The suffering appears only if there is personal identity believed in that is uninvestigated. Do not believe a single thought, emotion, sensation or effect appearing in consciousness to have any importance or to be you. These are all coming and going clouds appearing in the unchanging ever-present truth that you are. When you are aware of being aware you can't suffer for there is no personal identity present when being aware of being aware. There is only awareness aware of itself. That is the highest.

No matter what thought, emotion, sensation or effect in consciousness appears; it can't affect what you are. It can only make a thought appear which says "I don't want this" and you'll believe in it; resisting your own true formless nature because you are now identifying as a limited thought that says "I don't want this", the one who has wants or dis-wants is only a thought, and you must not identify as a thought (or any other effect appearing in consciousness) for it is not what you are.

The only way to stop identification with clouds coming and going is to stay aware of being aware. Not holding onto any cloud appearing, knowing they are only clouds but you are in no need of holding onto any of them for they are only coming and going phenomena. There is no need to be attached to the clouds. Do not engage, interact, identify, believe nor combine yourself with any cloud appearing in consciousness for that will inevitably cause limitations leading to delusions and suffering.

If any thought, emotion, or sensation appears to have importance, simply be aware of it. Be aware of it with detachment, don't buy its story. Be aware of it, and be aware that you are aware of it. Whenever any identification is appearing, simply be aware of it, as you stay only aware of it instead of indulging in it, it naturally dissolves into the silence that you are.

That which is aware of personal identity, of thoughts, emotions, sensations and all effects appearing in consciousness; what is that. That which is aware is nothing that it is aware of, for it is that which is aware of it and that in which all effects appear. Itself is not affected by the play of effects, nothing that appears in the awareness can affect the awareness. It can only affect you if you identify yourself to be a thought, so in reality it would be a thought affecting a thought. You are just identifying yourself to be the affected thought instead of simply being aware of both and letting them come and go while staying aware of yourself being the awareness in the present moment. This is not some intellectual understanding you must truly be aware of being aware and not identify with any thoughts, emotions, sensations, situations, whatever appears in awareness.

Personal identity and its functioning is perceived by the impersonal awareness that you are. What you are is not personal. The impersonal is effortlessly perceiving all personal content appearing in it, but it must not identify as the personal content for it is not what you are. You are that impersonal awareness that is able to say "Yes I am aware of personal identity and all effects appearing in consciousness" but itself is not any effect appearing. No matter what you believe yourself to be, it can't be true, it is inconsistent and unreliable, it changes every single moment in fact. You can't say that what you are is changing because you are that stillness that is aware of all changeful phenomena appearing in consciousness. Be aware of the consciousness itself. Rare are those who point their attention inwards to discover their true infinite nature, but it must not longer be so. Be aware of being aware, awareness is the only reliable unchanging. You are the awareness. Rest in your own self.

- Sebastian Key

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10 de set. de 2020

Beautiful posts thank you....awareness is not the Source though....awareness is the witness...the the....Source of *that* I seperate...❤🙏

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