You only want to improve and be better because you are delusional
You would give 0 fucks about anything at all, improvement, self-betterment, family, friends, evolution, desires, wants, trying to imagine different things, using your mind to think all the time if you were aware of what you truly are.
If you were aware of what you truly are, you would not need anything else. We can say throughout our whole lives that we want X and we want Y but these are just thoughts coming and going, clouds, to identify as them is ignorance, you believe this is what will satisfy you because you do not know better.
Because of this misidentification we let thoughts appear to have power over reality, chasing money, chasing sex, chasing whatever thought wants because the ego/thought already gave up on true love. Ego gave up on true bliss. Ego gave up on peace. Ego does not know these things, so whenever there is even a slight desire for this truth in your heart, it will say anything but words of encouragement to follow this hearts desire. Ego literally despises this true bliss, joy, love and peace. He gives 0 fucks about it. It only cares being comfortable in its limited personal identity. That is not what you are though. It is wasting your time/life.
And when you are asked "if you could just be your self without having to do anything, would you accept?" ego/thought says: "No, I want to improve. This is our purpose. We have to get better. We have to improve ourselves. It is all about the journey, not the destination "Who the fuck are you kidding? Absolutely fucking LOL, your true nature is ALL there is, and awareness is all the fulfillment, contentment and everything that is true and pure. Everything else is BULLSHIT and you know it in your heart but might not be aware of it because of identification with thought.
Come on love, its time to wake up. It is time to abandon this fearful ego that denies true love, stop following him and instead follow the awareness which is the true nature. Our true nature knows what is best. Awareness. Awareness is the one thing that if you are aware of, you literally do not want anything else. It is pure bliss, pure contentment, pure fulfillment, purer than pure. Be honest with your self, if you had GOD right beside you in this moment, would you go after superficial things, chasing highs, chasing money, chasing fame, chasing acceptance from other people who you give no flying fucks about?
You would sit still, sit silent, completely at the feet of god, humbled forever and you would give up your fucking life for this presence to be with you at all times till the moment this body dies and after. Be aware of the awareness as it IS all you are ever seeking for. You are this. You are your own beloved. Next time someone tells you "you are doing nothing? you are not trying to improve the world? you lazy fuck!" it is obvious this person is speaking from ego/thought and therefore only projecting his own ignorance. There is no need to believe such nonsense.
If people knew of love, true love, not this fake romance "love" that was created by the ego in order to satisfy its lowly desires which are actually just attachments, I am talking about the impersonal love of the true nature, nobody would mind ANYTHING AT ALL. Simply being aware of the true nature, being the awareness is the only truth. Be aware of that which is aware of the present moment. Discover what you truly are. When you are aware of what you truly are, you are already perfect and in harmony and synchronicity with the universe, there is nothing to be done by a separate doer, just be aware of that which is aware of the present moment.
- Sebastian Key
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